Choosing the Right Bra for Your Breast Shape.

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Because women’s breasts do not have just one shape, but also have different sagging, widths. And steepness of the breast shapes, and also vary in size. For this reason, it is not strange that many women often have questions about what kind of bra they should wear for this breast shape, small or large breasts. So let’s see how many breast shapes there are and what kind of bra each shape is suitable for.

Cherry shaped breasts: Cherry-shaped breasts have small breast tissue, a flat face, unclear breast bases, and slightly steep breasts. Which makes this type of breast also known as fried egg breasts. 

  • This type of breast shape is suitable for a push-up bra because it will help push up the breasts to look more fleshy and full. You may need to scoop the breasts into the bra as much as possible to help disguise the appearance of having more breasts.

Lemon shaped breast: Lemon shaped breasts have small breast mounds, wide chest spacing, and little chest muscle. Which makes the breasts sag and look loose, โปรโมชั่น ufabet, resembling a lemon.

  • For this breast shape, you can wear a bra with or without underwire. However, the important thing is that it should be a triangle bra with a wide base and good support for the side flesh. So that the side flesh can be scooped into the bra, making the breasts look fuller.

Apple shaped chest: The characteristics of apple-shaped breasts are that they have a lot of breast tissue, round and high-set breasts, making the breasts strong. Therefore, they are suitable for all types of bras. 

  • The bra used can be either underwire or non-underwire. You should choose a bra with a circular base to fit your breast shape. You should choose a size that fits your cup size. In addition, the straps should be flexible to support your breasts effectively.

Pineapple shaped breasts: The important characteristic of pineapple shaped. Breasts is that they have more breast tissue than apple shaped breasts. Both in the front and on the sides of the body, making the breasts look large and upright. However, the small base of the breasts may have sagging problems in the future.

  • Full Cup bras are suitable for this type of breast because they will help to keep the breasts firm throughout. You should also choose a bra with high side edges and a curve connection between the breasts. And the body to help keep excess flesh on the sides.

Strawberry shaped breasts: Strawberry shaped breasts have a small breast mound, wide chest spacing, and little chest muscle, similar to lemon shaped breasts. The difference is that this shape has a wider base of breasts.

  • The best bra for this breast shape is a bra with underwire and front hooks because in addition to helping the breasts look fuller and more fleshy. The front hooks will also help the breasts to be closer together.

Pear shaped breasts: The characteristics of pear-shaped breasts are a wide base of the breasts and a lot of breast tissue, which makes the breasts look sagging.

  • A bra with underwire and thick padded waistband will help push up your breasts, giving them a fuller bustline. And will help support them to prevent them from sagging further.